Coasters Remembered The On Line Community For Coastal Shipping Enthusiasts

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Welcome to the Coasters Remembered The On Line Community For Coastal Shipping Enthusiasts.
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  Forum Last Post Threads Posts
About us - Over ons - Über uns
The original Welcome of the "Founding Committee" - Het originele welkom van de "Stichtingscommissie"- Der ursprüngliche Willkommensgruß des "Gründungskomitees" Text of the year 2008 found with the help of
05-11-17 09:42 AM Go to last post
1 1
Welkom (1 Viewing)
05-11-17 09:40 AM Go to last post
1 1
05-11-17 09:36 AM Go to last post
1 1
Announcements and News
Please post any announcements or maritime news you have in this forum. We will also post any site updates or announcements here.
Link to Coasters-remembered on FB and other information
2 10
Advise and Updates
31-10-17 05:43 PM Go to last post
11 28
10-03-24 03:19 PM Go to last post
99 336
Maritime News (1 Viewing)
152 245
Maritime Links (1 Viewing)
Please post links of other maritime websites here.Please start a new thread for each link do not post a link as a reply
15-08-19 02:38 PM Go to last post
28 43
30-05-18 11:08 AM Go to last post
21 48
For our members - Für unsere Mitglieder
Please post here your Shiplist and Information, if you created an Album - Bitte postet hier Eure Schiffsliste und Information wenn Ihr ein Album erstellt habt
by C.Kem
10-08-17 11:19 AM Go to last post
1 1
Coasters-remembered is meant for you, our members, please post here your suggestions and "feedback" / Coasters-remembered ist für Euch, unseren Mitgliedern, bitte postet Eure Vorschläge oder "Feedback" hier, falls gewünsche übersetzen wir auch gern....
21-02-19 03:23 AM Go to last post
10 57
30-08-16 12:13 AM Go to last post
2 2
15 41
Please tell your fellow member, when you`ve created an album you like to share Private Albums can be viewed only by "Contacts" and "Friends" / Bitte informiert andere Mitglieder, wenn Ihr ein Album eingerichtet habt, das Ihr anderen zeigen möchte - Private Alben können nur von "Contacts" und "Friends" gesehen werden
6 9
If you like, you can post here pictures which you think deserve to be shown / Falls ihr möchtet, könnt ihr hier Bilder posten, die es nach eurer Meinung verdienen gezeigt zu werden
19-03-19 09:07 PM Go to last post
31 82
"Rock-Dodgers" and other coasters, built until 1979, upto 2999 GT and Coastal Shipping Companies
Please post your images of these ships. Discussion and Comments as well. Details, Histories and Stories are also welcome. Bitte postet Eure Bilder von diesen Schiffen. Diskussionen und Meinungen. Details, Historien undGeschichten sind auch willkommen
Please post pictures of Coasters only in this Forum
Today 02:16 PM Go to last post
6,751 12,930
Coastal Tankers A - Z (3 Viewing)
Please post your pictures, details and other informaton of Coastal Tankers here
06-12-24 11:39 AM Go to last post
381 618
Histories, stories as well as pictures of ALL the ships of Coastal Shipping Companies / Geschichte und Geschichten, sowie Bilder ALLER Schiffe der Kümo-Reedereien
16-02-25 04:40 PM Go to last post
3,031 5,107
Coasters, built from 1980 onwards, upto 2999 GT and Ferries
16-02-25 08:16 AM Go to last post
2,085 4,563
"Feeder" A - Z (3 Viewing)
14-02-25 08:34 PM Go to last post
243 437
Coastal Tankers A - Z (1 Viewing)
20-08-24 03:31 PM Go to last post
315 487
Maritime Art
Share your paintings, models and other maritime artwork here please
by cptept
08-08-15 07:46 AM Go to last post
7 53
Models (1 Viewing)
05-06-16 10:58 PM Go to last post
7 12
Requests for Pictures, Identities and other Informations
If you have a request for a picture or need to identify a ship or information of a particular ship, please post here
Picture Requests (2 Viewing)
Please post your picture requests here
13 51
If you need an ID for a ship please post it here
19-02-20 07:59 AM Go to last post
59 277
If you are searching for information of a particular ship, please post your querry here
25-01-21 03:23 PM Go to last post
21 72
This and That
The section for the stuff that doesn't quite fit in above
Postings recovered from the earlier days of Coasters-rembered
29-08-16 01:04 AM Go to last post
9 49
Histories and pictures of wrecks, disasters and groundings, NOT only COASTERS / Historien und Bilder von Wracks, Unglücken und Strandungen, nicht NUR von Kümos
16-10-17 10:27 PM Go to last post
26 29
Please post your pictures and all other things of interest here / Bitte postet hier Eure Bilder und alles was von Interesse ist
01-06-18 12:32 AM Go to last post
218 365
Please post your pictures of life aboard and members faces here.
8 45
Sometime sailors were able to leave their ship and could spend time ashore..... Manchmal konnten die Seeleute ihr Schiff verlassen und Zeit an Land verbringen....
14-04-15 02:46 PM Go to last post
2 4
Please tell us about your first voyage/Bitte erzählt uns etwas über Eure erste Reise
26-01-14 08:18 PM Go to last post
4 14
42 143
In loving memory of our friend Peter Schliefke (Seadog Pete) who did his very best to make this Quiz so interesting
01-04-18 01:37 PM Go to last post
3 1,392
In loving memory of our friend Peter Schliefke (Seadog Pete) who did his very best to make this Quiz so interesting
02-09-16 08:46 AM Go to last post
2 2,119
Other Vessels - Not Only For Coastal Shipping Enthusiasts
If you like to enjoy ONLY the Coasters Forum, you can click on the icon of the 2 arrows on the right side and this Forum part is hidden - Wenn Du nur das Coasters Forum geniessen möchtest, kannst Du auf das Symbol mit den 2 Pfeilen am rechten Rand klicken und dieses Forumteil ist dann verborgen This site is primarily a site for Coastal Vessels but we appreciate that our members may take photos of other vessels while out and about, or share their collections. Please feel free to post them here.
Bulker A - Z (5 Viewing)
04-05-24 11:40 AM Go to last post
218 273
Please post photos and/or information of Containerships, except "Feeder" here
24-09-24 09:45 AM Go to last post
279 321
27-12-24 06:44 PM Go to last post
88 126
2 2
17-08-16 08:00 AM Go to last post
190 244
General Cargo and Pass/Cargo Vessel from GT 3000 upwards
13-02-25 12:40 PM Go to last post
1,279 1,757
31-05-15 09:44 PM Go to last post
43 50
27-01-19 05:40 PM Go to last post
3 5
Pictures, details, histories and stories of naval ships / Bilder, Daten und Geschichten von Marineschiffen
06-05-19 02:42 PM Go to last post
22 205
Museum Vessels (1 Viewing)
Share your pictures, details and histories of preserved vessels here please
12-06-24 09:45 AM Go to last post
51 108
86 121
by grahme
06-05-15 07:39 AM Go to last post
85 132
24-08-24 10:47 AM Go to last post
94 127
Please post your pictures of tankers here
01-10-24 08:46 PM Go to last post
526 637
23-08-24 04:11 PM Go to last post
215 270
Type ships like "War-Class" (WWI) or Liberty-Victory-Empire-,Parks-, Forts-Ships, as well as Tankers (like T-2) can be posted here All other types, not mentioned (guess will be much more) here, can be posted too, of course ;)
09-04-18 10:40 PM Go to last post
168 209
26-07-20 09:56 AM Go to last post
102 123
Miscellaneous Vessels (1 Viewing)
Pictures, histories and stories of vessels not listed in above categories, like Pipe-Layers etc can be posted here / Bilder, Daten, Historien/Geschichten von sonstigen Schiffen die nicht in den obigen Kategorien aufgeführt sind können hier gepostet werden
25-01-25 10:29 AM Go to last post
150 221

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Coasters Remembered The On Line Community For Coastal Shipping Enthusiasts Statistics
Coasters Remembered The On Line Community For Coastal Shipping Enthusiasts Statistics
Threads: 17,209, Posts: 34,603, Members: 574, Active Members: 10
Welcome to our newest member, Lybecker

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