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Seadog Pete R.I.P. Seadog Pete R.I.P. is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Seadog Pete R.I.P.
    10-08-14 07:31 AM
    Seadog Pete R.I.P.
    Hello to all Peter's friends.I am his wife and sadly my wonderful husband passed away yesterday evening.I know he loved this site and the friends he made.Thank you all for your best wishes and bringing joy to his life he loved doing postings. Jackie
  2. malc hooley
    05-08-14 02:39 AM
    malc hooley
    Hi pete dierk has just told me you are very poorly im so sorry to hear this and am sending my best wishes for you and your family you are a great asset to this site and we need you back to your best so keep fighting pete.
    Best wishes mate take care.
    Malc Hooley
  3. grahme
    07-02-14 11:23 AM
    Pete. Saw your note on CR of a storm coming your way . Hell, I imagine it will cause some destruction somewhere and trust you are unaffected. Don't know the UK weather patterns but when a storm hits in the SW do you later get the affects of it over in Norfolk ?
    hope your looking after my favourite part of the world while we battle with 40 deg temperatures tomorrow
    Kind Regards
  4. grahme
    03-01-14 11:31 AM
    Pete. I note that you are located in Norfolk. I only recently came to know that that the
    great yarmouth coal fired power station completed early 1960 has been dismantled. I worked on that structure and it occurred to me that you may know when that was ?
    I find your contributions on CR so informative, if only for your weather forecasts, Regards
  5. Thosee
    24-12-13 10:24 AM
    Hallo Peter !

    Vielen Dank für Eure Weihnachtsgrüsse. Ich hatte einen Computer Black out, alles weg auch die E-Mail Adressen,kannst Du mir mal eine Mail senden dann hab ich Deine Adresse ja wieder. Ich habe nun einen neuen Lap Top am Start, hatte zum Glück noch einen Monat Garantie auf meinem alten Lap Top.
    Auch wir wünschen Euch eine frohe Weihnacht und einen guten REutsch ins neue Jahr.
  6. Seadog Pete R.I.P.
    23-04-13 08:11 AM
    Seadog Pete R.I.P.
    Thank you very much Frits

    Wish you all the best

  7. frits olinga
    23-04-13 07:53 AM
    frits olinga
    Good morning Peter, from Delfzijl congratulations on you 67 year old birthday.
    I wish you and your family a fine day.
    Regards, Frits

About Me

  • About Seadog Pete R.I.P.
  • Signature

    Memories are like threads of gold they never tarnish nor grow old


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 29-08-14 02:13 PM
  • Join Date: 13-10-12
  • Referrals: 0


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