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Old 08-10-12, 07:16 PM
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kottemann kottemann is offline
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Default A few snaps from my time at sea

From left to right

Photo 1 Julio Ramos
Photo 2 Marcel Van Der Lee, Bernhardt Hesselschwert, and me
Photo 3 Marcel and I larking about on the God is Able ex Anna Verena
Photo 4 Chipping and scraping
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Old 13-10-12, 09:29 PM
Dierk Bauer's Avatar
Dierk Bauer Dierk Bauer is offline
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Default A few snaps from my time at sea

Hi Robbie, got this saved too... remember that you liked it a lot

Saved the text too, but don`t know if it was posted as reply at the "old" site...

Standing on the foredeck could be cold on a summers day but on a winters morning getting ready to tie up in Bergen it was torture and looking back at the pilot and the captain in a nice cosy wheelhouse didnt make you feel any better

Cap'n didn't tell that that wasn't the time and place to show off that new bikini?
Gute Fahrt

Standing on the Focsle..

This reminds me of a story that happend to me and i,m sure many others... I was a lad of about 16 on the Heye-P and we were on passage from Hamburg to Bremen somewhere out near the Elbe 1 light/vessel and the Capt called me urgently from my bed at about 0300 hrs to stand watch on the Focsle because of the Dense fog and heavy traffic and i,m not too sure if the radar was working, but anyway i quickly got dressed warmly and ran to the focsle still half asleep with the small plug in intercom talkback system that we had onboard and whilst i was on my knees on the focslse screwing this intercom into its socket i then looked forward into the fog and saw the loom of our mast headlight and a dark vertical line that we were heading directly for, I panicked and started to run aft and got half way along the hatch were i quickly glanced forward again but this time did not see this frightening line so i started to go forward again and to my surprise realised that the line was the shadow of the mast stay from the mast light Jesus the relief i felt
I only went to Sea
To go Ashore

Peter Barc

While on the way to Ipswich years ago on the m/b Gold we encountered dense fog off Shotley, we went as close to the side as possible and when thinking we were safe we dropped the hook. Later we heard the thump thump of an slow running engine getting louder and louder. The cast iron frying pan was banged like hell with a wooden hatch wedge when I looked up I saw the biggest ship in the world heading straight for us with two bods looking down at us shouting like mad! I ran like hell on to the hatch to get out of the way, the skipper said he also ran like hell but not to get out of the way like me but to go and put our engine astern 88hp and three complete turns of the Kelvin control, yea I reackon. The Everards tanker that hit us and chopped into our bow to within 2inches of the waterline did not enquire wether we were ok but carried on up to Ipswich and never informed anyone there either!! Luckily we were ok and made it to Ipswich where the incident was reported and the london and roch paint was still visible on the stem of the EVERARDS tanker..Get out of that one Mr tanker Capt!
Still looking for that elusive good job, but where the hell are they nowadays!! psst anyone wanna buy a caravan

ray bloomfield
Chief Mate

I also remember one thing with little Anna-H. We wanted to go to Otterndorf at the river Elbe. My dad told our AB "Langer" to stay on the focsle cause it was dence fog. The front window of the wheelhouse was open and my dad and langer tried to find the entrance boy. I was also in the wheelhouse. I remember my dad told: Langer there must be a bouy on portside. Langer watched on portside. No he shouted no bouy. My dad: Langer there must be a bouy. Then a little later Langer shouted captn there is a bouy on starboardside. not on portside. And I never forget my father Oh bleep f... that. He stopped the engine. in that moment it gave a big bang and the focsle moved up. We stuck on a sandbank. There was no chance to get of. With the next highwater the rescueboot Hermann Helms pulled us back into the fairway. When my dad started shouting, i rushed down into the kitchen to fix some coffee.


sorry for broken english


I was also standing on the focsle in dense fog when I heard the phut phut phut of a small 2 stroke engine. I shouted in the fog "this is the MV Vaterland please move out of the way" a faint reply came "GO FULL ASTERN" I shouted "WHY THE &^% SHOULD I" the reply came "THIS IS THE CEMENT MIXER ON THE HARBOUR WALL YOU ARE ABOUT TO HIT"
Regards Robbie

The chances of a slice of bread falling buttered side down is proportional to the price of your carpet


Oh yes my dad told me once a story. VHF talk. These is the aircraftcarrier USS Enterprise, ship on my portside alter your course you are running into danger. Answer, no you alter course. Sir, this ist the american aircraftcarrier USS Enterprise, you are on my portside. Give me way and alter your course to starboard. Answer, no you alter course. Sir, this is the USS Enterprise, why you want me to alter course? Answer, I am a lighthouse.


Hareing down the Channel on the P-L-L's Normandy we were in very low cloud but could see for miles and there was a supertanker crawling along and blowing his whistle. We gave him a toot as we overtook him All we could see of him was from the deck level downwards, everything else was up in the 'cloud'.


One thing i,ll always remember was going up the Mersey on the Silverthorn (Coes first motorship ) in the mid 60,s and me standing ringing the bell on the Fos,cle in a pea soup fog . I mind the ould Man shouting out the wheelhouse window to callback if i seen anything. I can mind hearing a soft noise and looking up at this white wall passing a few feet away and faces looking down at us . It was a f***ing BIG CP Liner on her way to Canada . I, ll never forget that . It near scared the bleep out o, . John
" Sure it,s only for the craic!!"

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